Friday, July 16, 2010

La Même Histoire

Watched Invictus at IF and boy, do I love it! It came out in 2009 but I guess it wasn't a blockbuster in Malaysia back then because it is still a market where superhero action movies prevailed. On top of that, even if Invictus would've made its way to the big screen, I bet the Film Censorship Board of Malaysia would be happy enough to chop off 1/3 of the movie with lame reasons like "We found it insensitive for religious and moral reasons. Because of the many races in Malaysia, religion is a very sensitive issue...". Since when race = religion? Well maybe for Malays and Jews? Definitely not the rest. These bigots banned Muallaf such a wonderful local produced movie and had the cheeks to allow rubbish films like Cinta Kolesterol, Jangan Pandang Belakang etc. to go pass their most insensitive and buttoned down cutters. Obviously they want their peoples to be dumb and live in a bubble.

I saw many similarities from what happened in South Africa and Malaysia. Only that South Africans had the courage to abolish apartheid altogether but the natives back home are still struggling to keep their unquestionable near obsolete constitutional rights. We are probably one of the very few countries in the world who has affirmative action for the majority races and that sort of explains why me and my friends of same race are mostly scattered around SG/UK/AUS/US today. Nelson Mandela propagandized South Africa for South Africans. Leaders back home are torn up between One Malaysia concept where Malaysia for Malaysians but not only Malays, Chinese, Indians or other aborigines. Much are said but nothing practical has been done up to date actually. Everything is pretty much still race based namely political organizations and the education system. Occasionally we will be coined as immigrants and foreigners by some really intelligent leaders and told to go back to our respective "countries" even though most of us were born and raised here at this land we called home.

I blame the process of gaining independence from the British went by tad too smoothly. I don't like wars but supposedly, we should have had some tough time fighting for liberty, then only we would cherish more of what we're having today. Freedom is not free and equality is not special treatment. To have an equilibrium between freedom and equality is a long fight and possibly, myth.

Those being said, I still love my country. Hey, things are way cheaper back home, beautiful weather, friendliness, open-mindedness, food, islands, forests minus the government. Face it, even the customer services are way better back home at least they are there to HELP and if they don't help at least they don't create more problems for you to handle. I'm just getting very frustrated with ISU admission, CC@N, ECE, CIE and VM lately. They totally not fit to survive in a capitalist society. Especially VM with their virtual operator that brings you from one continent to another when you tell "it" to direct you to the live advisor. With the canned response given by live advisors/e-mail advisors, everything seems worse than before. I swear I nearly flushed my phone away and wish for the company to close down by tonight. Not that they solved any problems, argh!

This week is a downright angry week and I'm still having lots of unsettled documentations/lease/application stuffs on top of these additional unsolved troubles that make my life worse. In fact, I don't dare to envisage the next 4-5 months ahead and also I can't recall when was the last time I was NOT in trouble. Oh God, I miss home at times like this. Hopefully things will fall into places soon!

Here's a nostalgic video by S Club 7! The MV is a throwdown between the Brits and Americans. Kinda funny listening to those accents especially that dude who yelled "...raise that thang!". Classic!

Gotta admit that the 90's pop group are less processed and natural unlike some Disney's cheesy trio Jonas Brothers and Demi Lovato which I've been dying to slap. Bloody kids who can't wait to grow up.

Deuce V!

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